Confused, very confused. Questioning root level beliefs.
What if We, the Right are Wrong? WWRW...
What if we abandon the Rightist position embrace the Leftist position. After all the people of Ontario have elected multiple Liberal governments under two different leaders. Did Toronto not unceremoniously beat Rob Ford out of existence... OK maybe he didn't help his case. And what about the recent massive majority for the Federal Liberals, who are hell bent in raising taxes, cutting family benefits, and re-introducing the dreaded Carbon Tax. Liberals released their $30B deficit budget and nearly a word from the general public.
I look south and watch the fiasco of the US primaries and caucuses. "Feel The Bern" seems to picking up steam. Bernie Sanders, a self proclaimed Socialist is doing well. Not well enough to beat Clinton, however well none the less.
So are we to go the way of Greece, Spain and so many other European countries. Clearly anyone can see it didn't work for them, so why do we think this road will be any easier for Canada. We have a smaller tax base than most to draw from, an aging population. Immigration might help lower the age of the average taxpayer, but not if the the new Canadians come with hat in hand.
From a Rightist view there are two types of people when it comes to the politics of being fair, compassionate, Makers and Takers.
Makers, make the money pay their taxes, contribute to the well being of the country... and Takers well they take more than they contribute to the country.
Back to my original confused position.
I question myself, should We not afford Canadians free dental, schools, and doctors who make house calls, low cost prescriptions, 5 weeks of vacation, and retirees living a comfortable life.
One would think Yes, but we need more Makers and less Takers.
Basically the left should simply outline what they truly want. Wealth Redistribution.
The left seem to think wealth redistribution is the answer. Where has that worked?
It would be Great if everyone contributed equally and proportionately and Canada could truly help the less fortunate without concern or suspicion. No one should go hungry, homeless or in pain. But at a certain point the masses decided if their neighbor gets all this help and support, why shouldn't they be treated the same. Federal and Provincial help went from a helping hand to a way of life.
So let's break down the total Canadian Federal Budget, cut out the crap, and redistribute the existing wealth of the nation and then pass the hat around to the taxpayer.
I wonder what the outcome would be IF the tax form included a voluntary gift to Canada where you specified the amount and where your Gift would be spent, based predetermined categories. For every $1 the taxpayer gifted to Canada we the taxpayers would match it.
Wonder how many and how much money would be donated.